About us

Our journey started a few years ago, on a quest to find quality organic health products to improve the life of the people around us. In today’s fast paced world, finding the right balance of work and leisure is becoming increasingly difficult. Our lifestyle choices are sometimes detrimental to our health, and sadly we are too busy to notice, until it gets too late.

Organic Health and Wellness Co Ltd was founded in 2017 with the aim of bringing wellness back to the table. It is part of an established group of companies, with more than ten years of experience in the hospitality and tourism industry as well as the retail sector.

We have tried and tested a wide variety of products up to the high standards and value we have set in order to bring the best out there for you.

Your body is
your only asset.

Keep it well

Our Mission and vision

Our Mission is to provide you with quality organic products and services, which have been sourced from reliable and trustworthy sources, offering a proven track record of meeting and exceeding expectations.   Our commitment is to helping you achieve your health goals and lifestyle changes. At Organic Health and Wellness, we adhere to the highest standards in the industry.

Our vision is to become the leading supplier in the region for high end products at competitive and affordable rates, facilitating access to such products to customers across the board, allowing them to meet their lifestyle goals. At Organic Health and Wellness, our focus is on providing you value for your money.

Our aim is to raise awareness on healthy eating and providing natural organic supplements to help you in your quest for a better health.  You will be able to find our value for money products on our website as well in pharmacies and retail outlets across the island, in Mauritius and Indian Ocean.  At Organic Health and Wellness, we want to provide you with the support you need to change and improve your lifestyle.

Why our products

Our products have been carefully selected after a rigorous testing process. They are safe and effective in improving health and well-being, as well as helping you achieve the body you have always wanted.

Our best seller, the NH Natural Clenx Tea is made 100% from purely organic ingredients, including high quality green tea and various herbs, without any additional sugar, chemical ingredients such as laxatives, offering fresh natural tea, without any side effects. It has been duly approved by the Ministry of Health in Malaysia.  It has obtained the HALAL certification from JAKIM, and meets International GMP production procedure standards.

Food quality has changed drastically over the years, with increasing use of chemicals to protect and enhance the food. These can accumulate inside the body, causing diseases and medical complications. A thorough internal detoxification is required to cleanse the body, and the natural formula of NH Clenx Tea allows for such a treatment. In less than 10 hours, you will be able to feel the effects of organic green tea, and see considerable change in your body after 15 days of consistent and regular use.

Organic Health and Wellness Co Ltd has specifically and carefully selected this blend of green tea, which promotes peristaltic bowel movement to expunge superfluous toxins, fats and cholesterol. This cleansing element in turn provides for enhanced quality of detoxification organs. What we eat is important and how it is digested and assimilated is as important. Our digestive systems failing to function adequately means that the healthiest of diets could be unable to supplement our body with proper nutritional requirements.  One cup of our green tea is enough to start the cleansing process of your digestive system and ensure it is operating efficiently, ensuring proper digestion and assimilation. You will no longer feel bloated, reduce the effects of flatulence and lose the feeling of constipation.  By taking care of getting rid of this accumulated waste and these toxins, wellness comes automatically as your immunity is strengthened in this clean body.

Progressing on our journey to improving the health of Mauritians, we have recently launched a new product, NH Gluco-K. With an increasing diabetic population, Organic Health & Wellness is now providing a herbal concoction that will help one’s body increase its insulin sensitivity and therefore stabilize one’s blood sugar levels. While it is not a cure to diabetes, this tea packed with nutritious ingredients such as (bitter melon, gymnema & stevia) is to be used as a supplement. 

When consumed on a daily basis, the benefits of this tea will soon be noticeable; the stabilization of one’s blood sugar level will result in feeling more energized, being less prone to mood swings and reduced inflammations.

Our products are available in boxes of 20 sachets or 50 sachets, specifically designed to bring all the flavour and goodness of the tea in a cup of hot water.